Nodaway County Sheriff's Office
404 N. Vine
Maryville, MO 64468
Sheriff Austin Hann
Maryville, MO
Located in the northwest corner of Missouri, Nodaway County serves 23,370 residents and covers 878 square miles. Nodaway County, founded in 1845, is named after the Native American word for "placid river". Nodaway County is known for its beautiful farm ground and scenic wildlife areas and is home to Northwest Missouri State University.
Our Sheriff's Office is located in the county seat of Maryville, Missouri. Our mission is to provide our residents with the utmost security and peace of mind. We are led by Sheriff Randy Strong who took office in January 2017. We at the Sheriff's Office are happy to assist you in any way.
Nodaway County Sheriff's Office
404 N Vine, Maryville, MO 64468 1-660-582-7451
Administrative office hours 8:30am-4:30pm
(closed noon-1pm for lunch)